Commands for getting information about the system and user activity
Below you will find linux commands for getting information about the system and user activity
date – display the current date and time
cal – display the calendar for the current month
uptime – show the time since the last OS boot.
w – information about users who have registered in the system
users - a list of the names of users logged in to the system.
last is the list of users logged in according to the data from the special file /var/log/wtmp. The name, terminal, login time, IP address, etc.
last-ad – information about users logged in, with the name of the computer from which the login was performed displayed in the last column.
last –F - display the user login time, session duration, and logout time.
last –x - display information about shutdowns, reboots, and system startup level changes.
last root - display information about the root user's sessions.
last -n 10 user1 - display information about the last ten sessions of the user user1.
lastlog - display a list of all users and the time of their last login.
whoami is the name under which you are currently working in the system.
finger user – show information about user
uname -a – display all information about the system.
uname -vr – display the operating system release number and kernel version.
df – display information about disk usage.
du – display information about the use of the current directory
free – information about the use of real and virtual memory.
whatis app - Display brief information about the app from the documentation database.
whereis app – where the executable app module is located
which app – which executable module of the app application will be launched by default.
man command – display the reference information for the command command